This class is designed to teach you the culture of Another Level and to show you more of what we offer and future steps you can take to get the most out of our ministry
This class is offered the first Saturday of each month from 4p-6p, with our regular church service to follow.
This class is designed to educate and empower you to understand the theology of salvation and how to develop your foundational relationship with Jesus.
This class is offered the Second Saturday of each month from 1p-5p and we even feed you dinner. This way you can eat right before our evening service at 6pm.
This class is designed to help you understand your spiritual gifts and where you are best suited to help the body of Christ.
This class is given the 3rd Saturday of each month at 3:45pm- 5:45pm
Water Baptism is a very important part of a believer's life. We offer water baptism on the 3rd Saturday of each month upon conclusion of taking our Cross Training class.
We look forward to seeing you in the water.
Taxes are complicated. We strive to simplify the process so you have less stress and worries.
Knows what it's like to crunch numbers
Knows the ins and outs of paperwork
Helps you understand the fine print
Gets the job done quickly
Thank you for contacting us.
Our Newsletter goes out every Sunday. We will add you to our list and you should receive it within a week!